Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Our First Class Tonight

OK so Deb and I are hosting our first LO class tonight !! I will be teaching 3 classes this month on vintage style LO's. In Deb's Craft Room special is that !!
Deb has taught many, many for me well.... NOT SO MUCH !! One to be exact!

So in the process sticky notes have become my best friend !! LOL And my computer word Thank-you windows hehehe

In all my preparations organizing has been key !! NO fly by, the seat of my pants..( which is how I actually create a LO ) And who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks !!

So stay tuned tomorrow for picture's...and hopefully comments from class member's !!

Off I go to do further double triple checks..!!

Have a wonderful day BLOGGER'S !